full transcript

From the Ted Talk by Ivonne Roman: How policewomen make communities safer

Unscramble the Blue Letters

The problem is, the United setats has nearly 18,000 police agencies — 18,000 agencies with wdilly varying fitness standards. We know that a majority of academies rely on a masculine ideal of policing that works to decrease the number of wmoen in policing. These types of academies overemphasize physical strength, with much less attention spent to subjects like community plinoicg, problem-solving and interpersonal communication skills. This rlseuts in tnriaing that does not mirror the ritlieaes of policing. Physical atigliy is but a small component of police work. Much of an officer's day is spent mediating interpersonal conflicts. That's the reality of policing.

Open Cloze

The problem is, the United ______ has nearly 18,000 police agencies — 18,000 agencies with ______ varying fitness standards. We know that a majority of academies rely on a masculine ideal of policing that works to decrease the number of _____ in policing. These types of academies overemphasize physical strength, with much less attention spent to subjects like community ________, problem-solving and interpersonal communication skills. This _______ in ________ that does not mirror the _________ of policing. Physical _______ is but a small component of police work. Much of an officer's day is spent mediating interpersonal conflicts. That's the reality of policing.


  1. results
  2. policing
  3. training
  4. states
  5. women
  6. wildly
  7. realities
  8. agility

Original Text

The problem is, the United States has nearly 18,000 police agencies — 18,000 agencies with wildly varying fitness standards. We know that a majority of academies rely on a masculine ideal of policing that works to decrease the number of women in policing. These types of academies overemphasize physical strength, with much less attention spent to subjects like community policing, problem-solving and interpersonal communication skills. This results in training that does not mirror the realities of policing. Physical agility is but a small component of police work. Much of an officer's day is spent mediating interpersonal conflicts. That's the reality of policing.

Frequently Occurring Word Combinations

ngrams of length 2

collocation frequency
police officer 2
physical fitness 2
fitness exam 2
police agencies 2
police recruits 2
united states 2
fitness standards 2
changing exams 2
produce disparate 2
disparate outcomes 2
fitness programs 2

ngrams of length 3

collocation frequency
produce disparate outcomes 2

Important Words

  1. academies
  2. agencies
  3. agility
  4. attention
  5. communication
  6. community
  7. component
  8. conflicts
  9. day
  10. decrease
  11. fitness
  12. ideal
  13. interpersonal
  14. majority
  15. masculine
  16. mediating
  17. mirror
  18. number
  19. overemphasize
  20. physical
  21. police
  22. policing
  23. problem
  24. realities
  25. reality
  26. rely
  27. results
  28. skills
  29. small
  30. spent
  31. standards
  32. states
  33. strength
  34. subjects
  35. training
  36. types
  37. united
  38. varying
  39. wildly
  40. women
  41. work
  42. works